Parent Handbook


To ensure the placement of your child, we must have a completed Enrollment Application Form, a current immunization form, and an enrollment fee of $50. Once you have paid your enrollment fee to secure the placement of your child, the fee will be non-refundable. Be sure to sign your child in and out daily. We require a two-week written notice upon withdrawing a child from our program. Failure to do so will result in being charged for those two weeks.

Non-Discrimination Policy

A Kids Place will accept applications for enrollment without regard to race, religion, color, sex, or national origin.


A Kids Place is licensed by the Arkansas Department of Human Services (ADHS) for the care of children 18 months to twelve years of age between the hours of 6:00 am to 6:00 pm, Monday through Friday, year-round.


All staff at A Kids Place meet or exceed the requirements set by ADHS. Our staff are in a continuous program of training. Training consists of a minimum of 15 hours per year to stay current with the needs of children and families.

Late Pick Up

There is a $1.00 per minute late fee payable to A Kids Place for any child picked up after 6:00 pm. This must be paid at the time you pick up your child. Legal authorities will be contacted for any child left one hour past closing time. Continued lateness will result in dismissal from the program.

Authorized Persons

Children will only be released to persons listed on the enrollment form. Anyone other than a parent or guardian on the enrollment form will be asked to show identification. Please notify us if you are sending someone else to pick up your child.

Bad Weather

If weather conditions warrant, A Kids Place may close without prior notice. There will be no reduction in fees for days closed.

Health and Medicine

(This policy will be strictly enforced)

A child must not be brought to the center if they are exhibiting any of the following symptoms:

  • Fever of 100 degrees or higher during the past 24 hours.

  • Vomiting or diarrhea during the past 24 hours.

  • Heavy, thick nasal discharge, sore throat, or earache.

  • Severe coughing leading to gagging, vomiting or difficulty breathing

  • Pink Eye

  • Head lice or presence of nits

  • Ringworm

  • Impetigo

If your child has a communicable disease, you must notify the director immediately. The child will need a doctor’s release to return to the center. If your child gets sick while in our care, she/he will be isolated from the other children and you will be called to pick up your child immediately.

Your child will need to be picked up from the center immediately if they are running a fever, vomiting, or having diarrhea regardless of whether your child is teething, has an ear infection, has recently had shots, or for any other reason. This is for the protection and comfort of your child, as well as other children.


For medicine to be administered, an authorized form must be filled out by the parent. Medicine must be in the original container and labeled with your child’s name. The type of medicine and dosage must be written on the authorized form. Do not leave medicine in a diaper bag, backpack, or lunch box. Medicine must be given to a staff member to place in the lockbox. We are not responsible for providing Tylenol, diaper ointment, etc.. each parent must provide their own.

During the Spring/Summer seasons, you may want to bring sunscreen and insect repellent for your child, as we do not provide these items.

Immunization Records

We must have a copy of your child’s current immunization record on file before enrolling. This must be updated as necessary.

Accidents and Injuries

In case of an accident, first aid will be applied and a parent will be notified by an accident report, or immediately by phone for more serious accidents.

Biting and Aggression

Even in a high-quality setting with an alert staff, biting, and other aggression cannot be eliminated among groups of young children. These are behavior stages that many children go through and cannot be eliminated entirely. However, repeated, excessive biting or aggression from a child may result in being dropped from enrollment.

Discipline and Guidance

Positive reinforcement will be used to guide children. Rules will be consistent and based on the understanding of the individual. Time out may be used to the extent of one minute per year of age. If a discipline problem cannot be solved by the parent and the center working together, your child will be dropped from enrollment.

No child will be subjected to any form of physical punishment. Children will not be humiliated or subjected to abusive or profane language. Punishment will not be associated with food, naps, or toilet training.

Cell Phones

A Kids Place has a NO CELL PHONE policy for all of our students. If your school-age child takes a phone to school during the day, it must be turned off and kept in their backpack when they arrive at A Kids Place. If a child is caught with their phone, it will be confiscated and given to the parent at pickup. A second offense will involve not being allowed to bring the phone back into the facility at all.


Children should be dressed in comfortable, washable play clothes and closed-in tennis shoes. The clothing should be easy for the child to manage by him/herself when going to the bathroom. Each child must have a labeled, complete change of clothes as accidents do happen. Be sure to dress your child according to the weather as they will enjoy outside play, weather permitting. Teachers cannot be responsible for lost items, so please be sure to label all clothing.

Meals and Snacks

If you would like to send snacks or birthday treats, you must send enough for the entire class, not just for a few friends. All snacks must be store-bought, and pre-packaged per regulations.

A Kids Place provides breakfast, a mid-morning snack, and an afternoon snack. All children are required to bring a healthy, ready-to-eat lunch.

Emergency Procedures

Evacuation procedures for fire and other emergencies are practiced monthly. Severe weather drills are also conducted every month. When severe weather is in the area, the director monitors weather reports and alerts staff to be prepared to quickly move children to safety. Emergency procedures are posted in each classroom.

Field Trips

Your child must have a signed permission slip and fees paid (when applicable) to participate in field trips or any other activity outside the center.


A Kids Place will be closed on the following holidays:

  • New Years Day

  • Martin Luther King Jr. Day

  • President’s Day

  • Memorial Day

  • Independence Day

  • Labor Day

  • Thanksgiving and the Friday after Thanksgiving

  • Christmas Eve and Christmas Day

Party Invitations

If your child is having a birthday party, invitations may only be passed out if every child in the class receives one.


Balloons pose a serious choking hazard and will not be allowed for any children in the facility.


Do not send toys unless it is a “toy day” or “show and tell” day. A Kids Place will not be responsible for lost or broken toys.


Check with your child’s weekly schedule of activities. Each class will have a weekly theme on which they base activities. We encourage parents to be involved here at A Kids Place.

Please do not hesitate to let us know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.

Tuition and Fees

There will be no reduction in tuition due to illness or being absent.

Tuition will be auto-drafted from your credit card on a weekly basis. A $25.00 charge will be assessed on all declined drafts due to non-sufficient funds, account closing or payment stopped. Three charges of this type will result in expulsion from the program.

The amount of draft will be determined by the elected program and the fee and adjustments defined by the program policy. The draft may be adjusted based on increased fee rates or adjustments as defined by the program policy.

Credit card draft continues indefinitely and automatically until canceled by the person signing the draft authorization form. Draft cancellations and withdrawing your child from the program require a two-week written notice.

There will be a $30 supply fee due for your child (all ages) each spring and fall.